Why Uber/Lyft Suck in New York

Like a growing number of New Yorkers, I opt for Uber or Lyft when I am forced to take a cab. It is generally cheaper, the cars are nicer and the drivers are far, far less smelly. As convenient as it is, ridesharing really sucks in New York. And I’ll explain why. When I was living in sunny Los Angeles,

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New York City — Town of Pussies

With all of New York complaining like little girls over this worst-snowstorm-in-history that will allegedly hit at any moment, it is time to declare that New York City is officially a town of pussies. Remember when New York was tough? Depending on how old you are, probably not; it’s been quite a while. We used to be a hearty lot;

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Garbage, Garbage Everywhere

Several years ago when I was still living it up in sunny Los Angeles, blissfully unaware that my time there had a clock on it, a friend paid a visit to New York. When she came back, I ask her what she thought. Her first words — “so much garbage.” I told her I understood, that the streets get plenty

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Video: MTA Tells Us What it Thinks of Us

Did you ever wonder what the MTA thinks of us common subway riders? Well, it is obvious by the disdain in which it treats us. But it also reveals its true feeling in a more overt way. We all hear it multiple times per day. That’s right, we are just “customers.” We are not even “passengers.” We are just vessels

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New York Changing: Better or Worse?

I was walking through Times Square late one night recently (don’t ask) when I got to the corner of Seventh Ave and 42nd St. I stopped in my tracks, and was promptly pushed from behind and the front by the hordes of people on the street. The reason I stopped was because I remembered a much different Times Square, and

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New York Commute vs. Los Angeles Commute


As you read this site, you might see many New York vs. Los Angeles comparisons. That’s because I used to live in and still love Los Angeles and only moved back to this wretched place for a woman (see the About page for scintillating details). So here is the first of said comparisons — the commute. This is my commute

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